Schooners in port

At its peak, 1700 sailors embarked on campaigns lasting over 6 months, risking their lives in the process.

Traces of this past can still be seen throughout the commune. Houses that once belonged to shipowners line the harbour, and the fishermen's quarters bear witness to the daily life of the sailors.

Once upon a time in Binic Étables sur Mer...

If today, when you stroll along the quays of the port of Binic, you are greeted by pretty pleasure boats, you should know that the most prestigious era of the port is that linked to cod fishing in Newfoundland and Iceland (it's not a French mistake, we say it like that).

This era spanned four centuries, from the 16th to the 20th century, and reached its peak in 1845.
At that time, Binic was France's leading port for Newfoundland fishing.

Just imagine the harsh sailing and fishing conditions: cold waters, fog, fear of shipwrecks and pirates, cramped boats, disease...

This activity then declined: the last boat sent to the banks from Binic left in 1925, and the marina developed mainly during the 1960s.

The 1970s saw the great adventure of shellfishing in the Bay of Saint-Brieuc, one of the most productive shellfish beds on the French coast. At the height of this period, there were around a hundred shellfish boats anchored in Binic. This period lasted around twenty years until the creation of the computerised auction in Saint Quay-Portrieux in 1986.

Today, the port of Binic-Étables-sur-Mer has become one of the most important marinas in the department.

Did you know?
During the Second World War, German soldiers built a tunnel in the cliffs of Le Goulet to provide sheltered access to the beach from the outer harbour.

Before After

M ove the cursor to compare eras

A privateer, thanks to a letter of marque, is 'authorised' by the king to attack the ships of enemy nations, whereas a pirate is simply a lawless brigand of the seas!


The first mayor of Binic, François Le Saulnier de St Jouan, had been a privateer before entering politics. He boarded no fewer than 36 English ships in less than 10 years!

Louis Marie was also a shipowner and privateer. On his white marble tombstone, you can still see the fearsome symbol attributed to pirates, the skull crossed by two shins.

The Grain de Pirates Festival turns the town into a haven for privateers and freebooters for a weekend.
It takes place every other year at the end of August.

In the time of the Terre-Neuvas" guided walk

During the summer, Gaëlle, our heritage advisor at the Tourist Office, offers a guided walk on this theme to help you discover the history of the port of Binic in a fun and interactive way.

We also offer a discovery game for children aged 3 to 5.

Revoir les propositions
Did you know?

What is cod called when it's fresh?

Cod refers only to fish in its fresh or frozen form.

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