The urban challenge

An observation game to discover the region

The Tourist Office team has put together two free games for you to play on your own or in a group, to help you discover the area and have fun at the same time!

Leaving from Binic

Support for the Binic challenge is available from the Tourist Office all year round, on the day of your choice. Last start in the morning at 11am, last start in the afternoon at 4pm.

The record is 40 minutes, set by the "Paillards" team. It's up to you to try and beat them!

Download the Binic urban challenge

Leaving from Étables-sur-Mer

For those who like a challenge, the urban challenge starts in Étables-sur-Mer.

Don't forget to time yourself! It's up to you to set the very first record and share it on our social networks, with the name of your team and the special photo requested on the support!"

Download the Étables-sur-Mer urban challenge

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