An eggless chocolate mousse with buckwheat tuile

Even children love them!

Even children love them!

Chocolate mousse ingredients :
  • 150 g chocolate

  • 180ml acquafaba (chickpea juice)

  • 25g icing sugar (optional, depending on the chocolate you choose)

Ingredients Buckwheat tuile :
  • 60g deodorised coconut oil

  • 2 oranges (zest + juice)

  • 50g sugar

  • 50g buckwheat flour

  • A handful of kasha (roasted buckwheat)

  • To prepare the aquafaba (optional):
    Soak the chickpeas the day before.
    Cook the chickpeas in water (without salt or bicarbonate). The juice should be
    concentrated. Reduce if necessary. Chill in the fridge. The liquid should be slightly viscous
    after cooling.
    Canned chickpea juice is ideal for this recipe.

  • Preparing the mousse :
    Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie.
    Blend the aquafaba in a food processor until frothy and firm.
    and firm. Add the sugar at this stage. Gently fold in the melted
    (slightly warmed) to the mixture. Place in a verrine and refrigerate.

  • Preparing the tiles :
    Lightly whisk 80g of the orange juice with the sugar.
    Add the flour, a pinch of salt and the zest of one orange and mix.
    Melt the coconut oil and stir into the previous mixture.
    Place in small, spaced piles on an oiled baking tray. Add a few
    kasha seeds on the tiles (optional). Bake for 8-10 minutes in a preheated oven
    oven (not fan assisted) at 190°C.
    Once out of the oven, place the tiles on a rolling pin to shape them.