At Binic-Étables-sur-Mer, it's a real field of exploration that reveals itself every 6 hours!
The seashore is rich in animal and plant life.
At Binic-Étables-sur-Mer, it's a veritable playground of exploration, revealed every 6 hours.
Equipped with a specially designed adventure bag, the whole family can set off to discover the riches of the foreshore.
Put on your rubber boots and foulies, and don't forget your duffel bag for the little ones! It's a special low-tide kit concocted by Yann, our fishing guide, Franck from the Viv'armor association and the Tourist Office team. Inside you'll find a landing net, a magnifying glass, salt and an exploration booklet.
"We're on the foreshore and we're walking on wet sand that still has the prints of our boots on it. It's a hike like no other. There's us ... and the seagulls.
We breathe in the sea spray, the air that leaves a delicious salty taste on our faces. We climb the rocks. A water hole! Get out the net. One prawn, one! And here, this strange shell? The notebook says we've found a hermit crab. We return to the sand, the lapping of the waves licking our boots.
The sea is rising, right on schedule!
Time to go and find the knives. We spot two holes in the sand. "Go on, pour in a little salt". No luck. We tried again a little further on. "Look, it's moving! The knife came out of the sand, and that was our reward.
This is a special low-tide kit concocted by Yann, our fishing guide, Franck from the Viv'Amor association and the Tourist Office team. Inside you'll find a landing net, a magnifying glass, some salt and an exploration booklet, so you're all set.
Perfect for understanding the flora and fauna around us and becoming a good fisherman.
Available from the Binic-Etables-sur-Mer Tourist Office.
(From age 6 - €10)
Binic-Etables-sur-Mer Tourisme
6 place Le Pomellec
22520 Binic-Etables sur Mer
Tel. 02 96 73 60 12
Opening hours:
Monday to Saturday: 9.30am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 5.30pm. Closed on Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons
Closed on Saturday afternoons between November and February.